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Within your ember-cli project folder, run the following:

(Recommended) To use with native JavaScript/TypeScript classes used throughout this documentation, ensure you also meet the following in your application/addon:

  • At least ember-cli-babel@^7.7.2
  • At least @babel/core@^7.5.0 (as a transitive dependency via ember-cli-babel)

Configure Babel Transform

Ember Concurrency requires the use of a Babel Transform to convert tasks in the "async-arrow" notation (e.g. fooTask = task(async () => { /*...*/ }) into generator functions. Since Ember Concurrency 4.0.0 (which is an Embroider V2 Addon), this Babel transform needs to be configured on the consuming application or addon.

Typescript and Glint

Typescript and Glint docs for setting up / using Ember Concurency with TypeScript / Glint.

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